I ran at the gym before work twice this week. I did three miles each time, and ran similar paces. the strange part how different the two runs felt. Tuesday my legs felt dead and I had to PUSH myself to hid my modest pace goals. Every step felt like a struggle. I never got into a groove and when I finished instead of a good high or an aura of smug accomplishment (both of which I am usually sporting after an early morning run). I just felt beat up. Thursday I ran the same distance, in a similar way but afterwards I felt amazing. It felt like a run that had a purpose for my training, it made me feel stronger and more powerful.
Sometimes running is an act of faith. There are runs that are truly terrible. They hurt, they make you feel bad about yourself and your training. And all you can do is keep moving, keep working, and trust that the bad moments will pass. I am sure there are tons of lessons that can be applied to other things in life here but mostly I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and trust that eventually it will feel great again.
Two treadmill runs both under 12 minute pace. 12:15-12:30 long interval pace with one minute periods of 10:30.
I had a root canal Thursday and since then my face has erupted and swollen and I am on a ton of antibiotics and pain killers. So my long run this morning didn't happen. Hoping that it will feel better tomorrow so that I can get a nice easy long run in the morning.
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